Welcome to First Presbyterian Church!
Welcome to our church community of followers of Jesus. We are active learners who believe that the Holy Spirit is on the go in our midst guiding us as we grow together toward embracing the fullness of God’s grace. We are active doers as we engage together in Christian service in our community, at our camp, in our nation and in our world. We are an open faith community that delights in and embraces the broad diversity of God’s amazing tapestry of humanity.
Central to our life together is worship. We are blessed with a historic sanctuary and an amazing music ministry that enrich our worship. We are intentional about expanding our exposure to God’s truth through Sunday school, Bible study, and fellowship in town as well as in the ministries that are based at our Rockhaven Camp. Not content to keep to ourselves, our church is engaged in many local ministries and projects that put into action the faith that we profess. We also celebrate our connection to the worldwide Christian church as part of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
We invite you to take a closer look at our amazing church through the pages of this website. We hope that you will want to come and see for yourself what God is doing here. We look forward to welcoming you and discovering how First Presbyterian Church can become your church home.
Our Leadership
Ruling Elders:
Carol Anway
Suzanne Bratsky
Jeff Davis
Debby Haynes
Lloyd Mandeville
John Patterson
Jay Pontius-Backman
Mike Roser
John Sacklin
Terry Schaplow
David Spencer
Jim Thompson
Donna Beck, clerk of session
Brad & Trish Garnick
Mary Hektner
Marcia Jarrett
Betty Knutson
Julie Lucas
Charlie Mandeville
Teri Nightingale
Bruce Pontius-Backman
Roger & Joann Robbins
Dick & Nancy Rote
Dorothy Sopp
Paula Thomson
Joann Robbins, Chairperson
Our Staff

Interim Pastor & Head of Staff

Office Administrator & Financial Secretary

Sexton & A/V Technician

Rockhaven Camp Director

Treasurer (Volunteer)

Nursery Director

Worship Choir Director

Nursery Attendant

First Bells Choir Director

Organist & Music Coordinator


Assoc. Organist (Volunteer)