New to our church?

Welcome to our church community of followers of Jesus. We are an open faith community that delights in and embraces the broad diversity of God’s amazing tapestry of humanity.  See us on BoxCast

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How we worship

Central to our life together is worship. We are blessed with a historic sanctuary and an amazing music ministry. Our exposure to God’s truth expands through Sunday school, Bible study, and fellowship in town as well as at our Rockhaven Camp, south of Bozeman.
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Getting involved

God calls us to participate in Christian community in many ways sometimes in service, sometimes in study, sometimes in fellowship, and often in a mix of both.
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LCM Campus Ministry

LCM – Lutheran, Presbyterian and United Methodist campus ministries have joined together. 

We are Loved. Called. Moved. Doing these things in partnership together!

We are committed to serving college-aged students and strongly support the student-led campus ministry, LCM. Rooted in God's grace, LCM campus ministry provides a space for students to explore faith, engage in service, and encounter Christ's dynamic presence in community. Come join us!

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Rockhaven Camp

Our Rockhaven programs include a full summer camping program as well as retreats and worship services, on the banks of the Gallatin River, south of Bozeman.
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