
Bozeman is a community with two sides. One is a vibrant upscale community with a strong growing university. On the other side is a community with a significant poverty and homeless problem because of housing affordability. The church has long recognized the often-hidden needs of the community and the list of partnership with community groups is lengthy. We support Family Promise, Love INC, the Human Resources Development Council (HRDC) and its subsidiaries, Fork and Spoon, the Food Bank and the Warming Center. We also support the Crop Walk, the Boy Scouts, and local schools among others. Support comes in the form of hands-on help, financial assistance and individual members’ personal contributions.

For example, the Deacons support a school nursing program at Gallatin Gateway School.  The Deacons warm clothing project provides coats, hats, mittens and boots to students at Monforton, Gallatin Gateway and the Bozeman schools.

We are a Family Promise Church partner, and we continue to help them address the growing need for housing for families in the Gallatin Valley by providing meals. First Presbyterian’s work as a partner church with Love In The Name Of Christ (Love INC) dates to 1996. Church members help in the office with intake and referrals, in the Personal Clothes Closet and collect personal care items for those seeking assistance.

The church helps with food insecurity in the community through the Crop Walk each October. Church members have coordinated the churches of the community for this walk since its inception. Similarly, the church supports the Food Bank by asking members to bring non-perishable food to the church on the first Sunday of the month. And the Deacons help people who need assistance with gas and/or food support, as well as food baskets and/or gift cards at Thanksgiving and at Easter.

Our members help with supplies for Gallatin Refugee Connections and with the Packathon for Haiti. We also participate in the Gallatin Valley Interfaith Association, which brings people of all faiths together in the Gallatin Valley. Their web page is https://www.gvinterfaith.org/